May 2024 has been the month of Meme-stocks. Tickers like GameStop $GME and AMC Entertainment $AMC has soared 100%+ over the past few weeks as the result of renewed intrigue from online social media channels like Twitter and Reddit.
The primary catalyst was trader Keith Gill (aka Roaring Kitty) announcing his return to social media with his first Tweet after a 3-year hiatus. Roaring Kitty became famous as an influential figure in the OG meme-stock frenzy of 2021, which drove the stock price of GameStop, AMC, and other derelict companies up thousands of percentage points seemingly over night.
In many ways, May 2024 looks extremely reminiscent to early 2021; the apes have returned out of their holes to HODL these stocks to back to the moon. ↓

And while this month's rally doesn't appear to be quite as strong as 2021 (both $GME and $AMC have fallen back down to Earth in recent days) the takeaways are the exact same:
- Individuals can have outsized impact on the markets via social media
- Impact of social media on the markets is only increasing
It's no secret that before modern Twitter and Reddit, meme-stock events like this simply weren't possible. Now over the past few years we've seen dozens of examples of people/accounts like RoaringKitty, Elon Musk, and Hindenburg Research move trillions of investment dollars in 280 characters or less.
And if you take these examples, you begin to realize that this has only been the tip of the iceberg. Over the coming years and decades we will see more and more meme-stock events as social media's impact on the markets expands. Short-term equity prices will become increasingly detached from a company's underlying value, and more a function of online sentiment.
Places like Finance Twitter (FinTwit) are now more important than ever -- it's simply the best place on the internet to keep tabs on stock market news, events, insights, research, and memes. Sure there are other forums where people talk about stocks online (Reddit, StockTwits, Discord), but Twitter is objectively the most influential.
In fact, if you're a short-term investor I'd argue you have no choice but to pay attention to FinTwit, actively follow the right people, and act accordingly. The question is: how do I know who to follow?
We took some time to put together a comprehensive list of the top FinTwit accounts to pay attention to ↓
Top 200 FinTwit Accounts to Follow
To be honest, this is a list I've been somewhat building for years to optimize my news feed. Over time I've followed many of the accounts and unfollowed others. But after the meme-stock events of the past month I figured it was time to formalize the list so we could share it with others.
So we set out to compile the ultimate list, shared below. We asked people who their favorite FinTwit accounts were, we read every 'Top 10 FinTwit Accounts' article and post we could find, and we took our own curated followings and combined them into one mega-list.
Below we've highlighted a few of our favorites (you can only fit so many in one email). You can download the entire list and even add your own favorites via the link at the bottom of this email. Enjoy 👍
1. Roaring Kitty
- Username: @TheRoaringKitty
- Followers: 1.9M
- Tweets: 1K, Joined Nov 2014
- Claim to Fame: Pioneered GameStop / memestock frenzy in 2021
Keith Gill (Roaring Kitty) became famous in 2021 for uncovering overwhelming short interest in GameStop, which evolved into a full-on retail investor revolution driving the price of GameStop and others up thousands, bankrupting hedge funds, and resulting in a slew of lawsuits. Now 3 years later after taking a hiatus from social media, Roaring Kitty has recently re-emerged and the price of GME and others have soared again, and the craziest part is: he hasn't even really tweeted anything substantial yet since rejoining.
2. Hindenberg Research
- Username: @HindenburgRes
- Followers: 610K
- Tweets: 2K, Joined Jul 2017
- Claim to Fame: Deep-dive research exposing fraud at large companies
Hindenberg Research is another one of those accounts that has single-handedly moved markets on many occasions as an activist short-seller. They tweet rarely, but when they do it's typically breaking news uncovering fraud, disclosing malpractice, or popping bubbles for major public companies. Example: the account reported major accounting manipulation within Renovaro $RENB earlier this year, the stock fell 40% overnight as a result and hasn't recovered since.
3. Unusual Whales
- Username: @unusual_whales
- Followers: 1.7M
- Tweets: 123K, Joined Nov 2019
- Claim to Fame: Tracks breaking news and unusual options flows
Following Unusual Whales feels like you're in on a secret. The account became famous for uncovering unusual options flows via it's in-house app (particularly major trades made by members of Congress), and has since become a go-to source for keeping tabs on breaking news events for me.
4. Charlie Bilello
- Username: @charliebilello
- Followers: 597K
- Tweets: 31K, Joined May 2013
- Claim to Fame: Best macro-econ charts on FinTwit
Charlie is the Chief Marketing Strategist @ Creative Planning, and is widely known for having some of the best macro-economic charts on the planet. He tweets a few charts per day on everything from stock prices to US home sales to auto insurance pricing. If you're looking for a solid, easily-digestible overview of the economy
5. Bill Ackman
- Username: @BillAckman
- Followers: 597K
- Tweets: 5K, Joined Jun 2017
- Claim to Fame: Activist hedge fund manager, CEO of Pershing Square
- Username: @gurgavin
- Followers: 390K
- Tweets: 35K, Joined May 2010
- Claim to Fame: Tech-focused, breaking news accounts, high volume tweets
7. Morgan Housel
- Username: @morganhousel
- Followers: 523K
- Tweets: 21K, Joined Apr 2011
- Claim to Fame: Finance author of The Psychology of Money, and former Motley Fool writer, tweets about macro trends and investing ideologies.
8. Walter Bloomberg
- Username: @DeItaone
- Followers: 736K
- Tweets: 155K, JoinedAug 2014
- Claim to Fame: Another high-volume breaking news account focused on global markets, economic data and geopolitical events
9. Peter Brandt
- Username: @PeterLBrandt
- Followers: 729K
- Tweets: 28K, Joined Feb 2011
- Claim to Fame: Veteran trader and authr, focused on classical charting principals
10. Michael Burry
- Username: @michaeljburry
- Followers: 1.4M
- Tweets: 0 (deleted), Joined Nov 2011
- Claim to Fame: Famously predicted 2007 housing crash ('The Big Short' is based on him). One of the most famous market bears on the planet, known also for deleting his tweets after he posts them
Top 200 Accounts to Follow
Outside of our 10 favorites above, these are the top 200 accounts we'd recommend following for everything stock market news, insights, research, events, and memes-related. You can access this full list as a Google Sheets file below and add your favorites: ACCESS FULL LIST HERE
- @aclenow
- @AdamMancini4
- @alifarhat79
- @allstarcharts
- @AlphaGammaHQ
- @amlivemon
- @AnalystDC
- @AndreasSteno
- @AndrewThrasher
- @AswathDamodaran
- @austinhankwitz
- @awealthofcs
- @BarChart
- @barronsonline
- @Benzinga
- @BillAckman
- @Biohazard3737
- @breadcrumbsre
- @BrianFeroldi
- @BuccoCapital
- @BullishRippers
- @business
- @business
- @BusinessInsider
- @Carl_C_Icahn
- @CasinoCapital
- @Chariot_Invest
- @charliebilello
- @Cokedupoptions
- @ComposerTrade
- @ContrarianShort
- @CramerTracke
- @CullenFrost
- @cullenroche
- @dailydirtnap
- @daniel_toloko
- @darjohn25
- @DataDInvesting
- @DavidKass3
- @DeItaone
- @dirtcheapstocks
- @DividendGrowth
- @Dividendology
- @DKellerCMT
- @DonutShorts
- @DoombergT
- @dougboneparth
- @DV_Situations
- @EconguyRosie
- @EconomPic
- @EddyElfenbein
- @EdgeCGroup
- @EpsilonTheory
- @EricBalchunas
- @FinancialPost
- @FinancialReview
- @FinancialTimes
- @Forbes
- @FortuneMagazine
- @FT
- @fundstrat
- @FXStreetNews
- @garyblack00
- @GlobalStockPick
- @Gold_Mansack
- @GRDecter
- @gurgavin
- @GuruFocus
- @hkuppy
- @hmeisler
- @HolyFinance
- @howardlindzon
- @HudsonLabs
- @iancassel
- @IBDinvestors
- @insiliconot
- @InvestorAmnesia
- @irbezek
- @jackschwager
- @Jake__Wujastyk
- @jasonzweigwsj
- @JaySinh130
- @jedimarkus77
- @JerryCap
- @Jesse_Livermore
- @jessefelder
- @jmackin2
- @jposhaughnessy
- @JulianKlymochko
- @JulianMI2
- @KathyJones
- @kevinmuir
- @Kiplinger
- @KrisAbdelmessih
- @Ksidiii
- @kylascan
- @LastBearStanding
- @leadlagreport
- @litcapital
- @LizAnnSonders
- @LizYoungStrat
- @LynAldenContact
- @LynAldenContact
- @MacroAlf
- @macrocephalopod
- @MacroTactical
- @mark_dow
- @MarketBeatCon
- @MarketWatch
- @markminervini
- @MarkYusko
- @masked_investor
- @masterly_in
- @matt_levine
- @michaelbatnick
- @MichaelGoodwell
- @michaeljburry
- @MichaelKitces
- @MorganCreek_Dig
- @morganhousel
- @MorningStarInc
- @nasdaq
- @NateGeraci
- @orthereaboot
- @PandaValue
- @ParikPatelCFA
- @PelosiTracker_
- @PeterLBrandt
- @Post_Market
- @ppearlman
- @PriapusIQ
- @profplum99
- @PythiaR
- @quakes99
- @QuiverQuant
- @RampCapitalLLC
- @RaoulGMI
- @RedDogT3
- @ReformedBroker
- @ResGloStocks
- @ReturnsJourney
- @Reuters
- @ritholtz
- @Ross_Report
- @ruima
- @RyanDetrick
- @SallieKrawcheck
- @SamanthaLaDuc
- @SamRo
- @SardonicCanuck
- @SeekingAlpha
- @sentimentrader
- @sinstockpapi
- @SmallCapWhales
- @smartasset
- @SrivatsPrakash
- @SteadyCompound
- @Stephanie_Link
- @stlouisfed
- @StockJabber
- @StockMKTNewz
- @StocksOnSpaces
- @stocktalkweekly
- @StockTwits
- @SwaggyStocks
- @TaraBull808
- @TaviCosta
- @thebalance
- @TheEconomist
- @themotleyfool
- @TheRoaringKitty
- @therobotjames
- @TheSpeculator0
- @TheStalwart
- @TheStreet
- @TheTranscript_
- @TihoBrkan
- @TikTokInvestors
- @tolstoybb
- @TradesTrey
- @TruthGundlach
- @tseides
- @TSOH_Investing
- @ukarlewitz
- @unusual_whales
- @UptrendsAI
- @ValueSotp
- @ValueStockGeek
- @VCBrags
- @WallStCynic
- @WallStreetSilv
- @WOLF_Financial
- @wolfejosh
- @WSJ
- @YahooFinance
- @zachxbt
- @ZacksResearch
- @ZeroHedge
In conclusion, the influence of social media on stock trading is undeniable and continues to grow. Platforms like Twitter have democratized access to market-moving information, allowing individual investors to compete with institutional players. The resurgence of meme stocks in May 2024, led by figures like Roaring Kitty, underscores the significant impact that social media personalities can have on market dynamics. As we move forward, the importance of staying informed and connected within the FinTwit community cannot be overstated.
However, it’s essential to approach this new era of investing with a balanced perspective. While social media can provide valuable insights and timely information, it can also contribute to market volatility and the spread of misinformation. Traders must exercise due diligence, cross-referencing information from multiple sources, and critically analyzing the motivations behind influential posts. The rapid dissemination of news and opinions can lead to knee-jerk reactions, which may not always align with sound investment strategies.
Additionally, it is crucial to recognize that following popular FinTwit accounts should not replace comprehensive research and fundamental analysis. Social media should complement traditional investment methods rather than substitute them. Diversifying information sources and maintaining a long-term investment perspective can help mitigate the risks associated with the high volatility and speculation often seen in the meme stock phenomenon.
We hope this list of the top 200 FinTwit accounts to follow enhances your trading experience and keeps you well-informed about market trends, news, and insights. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we encourage you to share any thoughts or suggestions for improving this list. Feel free to add your favorite accounts and let us know how we can better serve your needs in future updates.
Happy trading, and remember to invest wisely!
Disclaimer: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Trading stocks involves risk, and it is important to conduct your own research and consult with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication.